Week 7#
Lecturer: Uma Maheswari, Faculty for BITS Pilani WILP
Date: 4/Sep/2021
Topics Covered#
- Query Languages
- Relational Algebra
- SELECT Operation
- PROJECT Operation
- UNION Operation
- Some properties for UNION, INTERSECTION and SET DIFFERENCE operations
- CARTESIAN (Cross Product) Operation
- RENAME Operation
- JOIN Operation
- OUTER UNION Operation
- Complete Set of Relational Operations
- DIVISION Operation
- Aggregate Functions and Grouping Operation
- Tutorial Session
- Post Lecture Notes
Query Languages#
- Procedural: What to do and how to do
- Non Procedural: What to do
Relational Algebra#
Consider the example schema
Which is populated with these data
- The basic set of operations for the relational model is known as the relational algebra
- These operations enable a user to specify basic retrieval requests
- The reult of a retreival is a new relation, which may have been formed from on or more relations.
- A sequence of relational algebra operations forms a relational algebra expression, whose result will also be a relation
SELECT Operation#
Select operation is used to select a subset of the tuples from a relation that satisfy a selection condition. The select operation is denoted by a sigma letter
\(\sigma_{DNO} = 4 (EMPLOYEE)\) (This represents all employees in department 4)
\(\sigma_{SALARY} \gt 30000 (EMPLOYEE)\) (This represents all employees in with salary greater than 30000)
- SELECT is commutative
- A cascade SEKLEECT operation may be applied in any order
\(\sigma_{<condition\ 1>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 2>}(R))\) \(=\) \(\sigma_{<condition\ 2>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 1>}(R))\) - A cascade SELECT operation can be
\(\sigma_{<condition\ 1>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 2>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 3>}(R)))\) \(=\) \(\sigma_{<condition\ 2>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 3>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 1>}(R)))\) - A cascade can also be written as:
\(\sigma_{<condition\ 1>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 2>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 3>}(R)))\) \(=\) \(\sigma_{<condition\ 1>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 2>}(\sigma_{<condition\ 3>}(R)))\)
PROJECT Operation#
This operation selects certain columns from the table and discards the rest. This is shown as the pi letter
- The number iof tuples in the result of projection \(\pi_{<list>}(R)\) is always less or equal to the number of tuples in R
- If the list of attributes
Combination of SELECT and PROJECT
- The operand relations must have the same number of attributes and the domains of the corresponding attributes must be compatible
UNION Operation#
Denoted as \(R \cup S\), means that all the tuples of \(R\) and \(S\) will be accumulated together and any duplicates are thrown away
Denoted as \(R \cap S\), means that common tuples of \(R\) and \(S\) will be accumulated together and others are thrown away
Consider the same example as the UNION operation, then intersection is:
- The result of this operation denoted by \(R - S\) is a relation that includes all tuples that are in \(R\) but not in \(S\)
- Here order matters, meaning \(R - S\) need not be the same as \(S - R\)
Some properties for UNION, INTERSECTION and SET DIFFERENCE operations#
\(R \cup S = S \cup R\)
\(R \cap S = S \cap R\)
CARTESIAN (Cross Product) Operation#
Cartesian product combines each and every row of the two relations. It is denoted by \(R x S\)
RENAME Operation#
- Name conflicts can arise in some situations
JOIN Operation#
Sequence of CARTESIAN Operation followed by a SELECT
Types of JOIN Operations#
Conditional Join#
In the employee example the condition is \(EMPLOYEE.EMP\_CODE = SALARY.EMP\_CODE\)
Natural Join#
denoted as \(*\)
Join such that the tuples are equal on all the common attribute names
A Complete Example:
Equi Join#
A join where the only comparison operator used is \(=\). In the result of an EQUIJOIN we always have one or more pairs
Apart from \(=\) all the other comparison operators are also used
- Left Outer Join: Keeps every tuple in the first/left relation \(R\); if no matching tuple is found in \(S\), then attributes of \(S\) are given null values
Right Outer Join: Keeps every tuple in the second/right relation \(S\); if no matching tuple is found in \(R\), then attributes of \(R\) are given null values
Full outer join: Keeps every tuple in both the relations \(R\) and \(S\) and the rest are padded with \(null\)
OUTER UNION Operation#
Complete Set of Relational Operations#
DIVISION Operation#
denoted by \(\div\)
Another example
Aggregate Functions and Grouping Operation#
Tutorial Session#
Post Lecture Notes#
- Go through the SQL slides for the next week
- Go through the example problems in the book for relational algebra