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Week 6 (cont.)#

Lecturer: Pritam Bhattacharya, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus
Date: 5/Sep/2021

Topics Covered#

  1. Quick Sort
    1. Steps Done
    2. Algorithm
      1. Pivot Function
      2. Quick Sort Function
    3. Algorithm Analysis
      1. Space Complexity
      2. Time Complexity

Quick Sort#

Steps Done#

The actual sorting is done in a divide and conquer fashion denoted by the below steps:
1. Divide: If \(S\) has zero or one element, return \(S\) immediately, it is already sorted, Otherwise pick a random element as a pivot element, and generate 3 parts:
1. \(L\) : The elements less than the pivot element
2. \(E\) : The element that is used as a pivot
3. \(G\) : The elements greater than the pivot element
2. Recur: Recursively sort the sequences \(L\) and \(G\)
3. Conquer: Concatenate the three sequences and return that

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Pivot Function#

partition(arr, low, high)
    Input: An array of integers arr the lower index for the partition in the array and high the upper index
    Ouput: pi, Partitioning index, the index where the pivot is placed 

    pivot = arr[high]
    i = (low - 1)
    for(j = low; j <= high - 1; j++) then
        if arr[j] < pivot then
            arr[i] <-> arr[j]
    arr[i + 1] <-> arr[high]
    return (i + 1)

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Quick Sort Function#

sort(arr, low, high)
    Input: An array of integers arr the lower index for the partition in the array and high the upper index
    Ouput: pi, Partitioning index, the index where the pivot is placed

    if low < high then
        pi = partition(arr, low, high)
        sort(arr, low, pi - 1)
        sort(arr, pi + 1, high)

Algorithm Analysis#

Space Complexity#

The in place algorithm does not take any extra space so we can say the space complexity is \(\mathcal{O}(1)\)

Time Complexity#

The partition function performs a single loop on the array elements, so the total number of operations done on a given level is proportional to n, so the time complexity here is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\).

In the best case, where the partition was balanced:
The sort function recursively calls sort by dividing the array into two segments and a pivot, so the size reduces at the rate of \(log\ n\) so the time complexity is \(\mathcal{O}(log\ n)\).
The total time complexity is: \(\mathcal{O}(n\ log\ n)\)

In the worst case, where the partition is not balanced
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The sort function would end up creating \(n - 1\) levels, making the total time complexity as \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\)

The reason why this sort is called Quick sort is because, the worst case happens very rarely and even if it does it can be fixed with a simple check to see if an array is already sorted.

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