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Week 12 (cont.)#

Lecturer: Pritam Bhattacharya, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus
Date: 5/Nov/2021


Example for the hashing function taken \(h(k) = k\ \%\ 7\)

Finding an array#

find(x) {
    pos = x % 7
    if(T[pos] == x) {
        return True
    else {
        return False

Insert to an array#

insert(x) {
    pos = x % 7
    if(T[pos] = EMPTY) {
        T[pos] = x
    else {
        # Handle Collision

Open Addressing Hashing#

Pasted image 20211105211412.png

Finding in open addressing#

find(x) {
    pos = x % 7
    currNode = T[pos]
    while(currNode != NULL) {
        if(currNode -> data == x) {
            return True
        curNode = currNode -> next
    return False

Insertion in open addressing#

insert(x) {
    pos = x % 7
    struct Node* newNode
    newNode -> data = x
    newNode -> next = NULL
    if(T[pos] == NULL) {
        T[pos] = newNode
    else {
        currNode = T[pos]
        while(currNode -> next != NULL) {
            currNode = currNode -> next
        currNode -> next = newNode

Linear Probing#

When a collision is reached, what we end up doing is if there is a collision, we find the next hash value as so:

\(h(k, 0) = k\ \%\ 7\)
\(h(k, 1) = (h(k) + 1 )\ \%\ 7\)
\(h(k, n) = (h(k) + n )\ \%\ 7\)


insert(k) {
    i = 0
    pos = ((k % 7) + i) % 7
    while(T[pos] != EMPTY) {
        i += 1
        pos = ((k % 7) + i) % 7
        if(pos == k % 7) {
            return "ERROR! HASHTABLE IS FULL"
    T[pos] = k


insert(k) {
    i = 0
    pos = ((k % 7) + i) % 7
    while(T[pos] != k) {
        i += 1
        pos = ((k % 7) + i) % 7
        if(T[pos] == EMPTY || pos == k % 7) {
            return "NOT FOUND IN HASHTABLE"
    return pos

Tags: !DatastructuresAndAlgorithmsIndex