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Module 2#

Machine Learning Pipeline#

  • Framing a machine learning problem
  • Get the data
  • Data Pre processing
  • Data Visualization and Analysis
  • Feature Engineering
  • Model Building and Evaluation
  • Fine tune the model
  • Present the solution
  • Launch, monitor and maintain

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Case Study#

Bank is loosing too much money due to bad loans and wants to reduce losses. The following things are looked at to frame the problem
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Frame the problem#

  • Define the objectives in business terms
  • How will your solution be used
  • What are the current solutions
  • How should you frame this problem (Supervised or unsupervised)
  • How should the performance be measured
  • Is the performance measure aligned with the business objective
  • What are comparable problems
  • Is Human expertise available
  • How would you solve the problem?
  • List the assumptions you have made
  • What would be the minimum performance needed to reach the business objective?

An example problem statement#

  • Build a model of housing prices using census data
    • Data attributes and so on for each district
    • Districts are the smallest geographical unit (population ~600-3000)
  • The model to predict the median housing price in an district, given all the other metrics
  • Goodness of the model is determined by how close the model output is wrt actual price for unseen data.

Framing the problem#

  • What is the expected usage and benefit?
    • Impacts the choice of algorithms, goodness measure, and effort in lifecycle management of the model
  • What is the baseline method and its performance?

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  • Analyze the dataset

    • Each instance comes with the expected output
    • Hence we are going with supervised
    • Goal is to predict a real valued price based on multiple variables line population, income etc
      • Regression is chosen for this reason
    • Output is based on input data at rest, not rapidly changing data rapidly.
    • Dataset small enough to fit in memory
      • Batch
    • Since we are predicting a single value we are calling it a univariate problem
  • Choice of Performance metrics

    • Root Mean Square
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    • Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
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  • Types and properties of attributes
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Data types of attributes#

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job, marital -> nominal
education -> Ordinal
credit default -> Binary (symmetric)
housing loan -> Binary

  • Categorical
  • Binary
    • Symmetric (Simple matching coefficient proximity measure)
    • Asymmetric (Jaccart coefficient proximity measure)
  • Nominal
  • Numerical/continuous (Minkowsky distance for proximity measure)
  • to find outliers

Some pandas functions#

df.types() # Get the datatypes of all columns in dataframe # Get more info on non null values in data frame
df.describe() # Get statistical summary of each attribute and 5 point summary of numberic attributes

Data Types#

  • relational/Object data
  • Transactional data
  • Document data
  • Web and social network data
  • Spatial data
  • time series data

Note: Topics such as data types, pre processing, visualization and analysis are explained well in Jupyter Notebooks



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One Hot Encoding#

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Attribute Transformation#

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- This is done to reduce skewness in data.
- Transformation is done to bring data to the same scale that helps in feature scaling


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    Robust scaler normalizes withing the IQR (Q3 - Q1)

Curse of Dimensionality#

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Dimensionality Reduction#

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- PCA: Pasted image 20220305205134.png
- Other ways to reduce dimensionality: Pasted image 20220305210052.png
- Correlation Decision:
- Chi Square Stats (Categorical attributes)
- Pearson Coefficient (Numeric attributes)
- Annova Test (Mixed attributes)
- Wrapper Method is to train models with several subsets of data and choose the one that was most fruitful do then do further improvement on that.

Feature Creation#

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Tags: !AMLIndex

Tags: !AMLIndex