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Week 11#

Lecturer: Pritam Bhattacharya, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus
Date: 30/Oct/2021

Linked List#

Pasted image 20211030084656.png
The linked list has a node where the node has a data and a pointer component that points to the next node (can be a node or null if it ends in this node)

struct Node {
    int data
    struct Node* next

ADT Operations#

  1. first() -> This function returns the head of the linked list
    first() {
        return head;
  2. last() -> This function returns the last element of the linked list
    last() {
        if(head == NULL) {
            return NULL
        struct Node* temp = head
        while(temp -> next != NULL) {
            temp = temp -> next
        return temp
  3. before(p) -> This function returns the previous node to a given node p
    before(struct Node* p) {
        if(p == head || p == NULL) {
            return NULL
        struct Node* curr = head
        while(curr -> next != p) {
            curr = curr -> next
        return curr
  4. after(p) -> This function returns the next node
    after(struct Node * p) {
        if(p == NULL) {
            return NULL
        return p -> next
  5. insertBefore(p, key) -> Insert a node before p with the key value
    insertBefore(struct Node* p, int key) {
        if(head == NULL || p == NULL) {
            return ERROR
        struct Node* newNode;
        newNode -> data = key
        newNode -> next = pos
        struct node* curr = head
        while(curr -> next != p && curr -> next != NULL) {
            curr = curr -> next
        if(curr -> next == NULL) {
            return ERROR
        curr -> next = newNode
  6. insertAfter(p, key) -> Insert a node with value key to a position after p
    insertAfter(struct Node* p, int key) {
        if(p == NULL) {
            return ERROR
        struct Node* newNode
        newNode -> data = key
        newNode -> next = p -> next
        p -> next = newNode
  7. remove(p) -> remove the node from the linked list
    remove(struct Node* p){
        if(p == NULL || head == NULL) {
            return NULL
        struct Node* curr = head
        while(curr -> next != p && curr -> next != NULL) {
            curr = curr -> next
        if(curr -> next == NULL) {
            return NULL
        curr -> next = p -> next
        return p

Double Linked list#

In a doubly linked list the Node contains the next node as well as the previous node as well along with the data. The struct would look somthing like this:

struct Node {
    int data
    struct Node* next
    struct Node* prev

The ADT functions can now utilize the previous pointer for reference in operations such as insert before and insert after and one must also make sure to correctly set the previous and next pointers as well.

Tags: !DatastructuresAndAlgorithmsIndex