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Week 7#

Lecturer: Barsha Mitra, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Date: 11/Sep/2021

Topics Covered#

  1. Deadlock Introduction
  2. System Model
  3. Wait-For-Graph (WFG)
  4. Knot
  5. AND Model
  6. OR Model
  7. Chandy Misra Haas Algorithm for the AND model
    1. Data Structures
    2. Steps
    3. Example

Deadlock Introduction#

  • Deadlocks are explained in details here PreRecordedModule6#What is a deadlock
  • A process may request resources in any order
  • Request order may not be known apriori
  • A process can request a resource while holding others
  • If the allocation sequence of process resources is not controlled in such environments
  • Deadlock condition where a set of processes request resources that are held by other processes in the set

System Model#

  • N processors, N processes, each process runs on a prrocessor
  • Systems have only reusable resources
  • Processes are allowed to make only exclusive access to resources
  • Only on copy/instance of each resource is present
  • Process can be in two states
    • Running
    • Blocked
  • Running state/active state:
    • Process has all the needed resources
    • Either is executing or is ready for execution
  • Blocked state: Process is waiting to acquire some resource

Wait-For-Graph (WFG)#

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- State of a distributed system can be modeled as a directed graph
- Nodes are processes
- A directed edge from node \(P_1\) to node \(P_2\) if
- \(P_1\) is blocked
- \(P_1\) is waiting for \(P_2\) to release some resource
- A system is deadlocked if and only if there exists a directed cycle or knot in the WFG


More info here PreRecordedModule6#Cycle Vs Knot
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AND Model#

More details inn PreRecordedModule6#Cycle Vs Knot
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In an AND graph a cycle is a sufficient condition to determine a deadlock

OR Model#

More details in PreRecordedModule6#OR WFGs and PreRecordedModule6#Cycle Vs Knot
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In an OR graph, a cycle is not a sufficient condition to determine a deadlock, we also need a knot
In the above diagram you can see that P_11 can satisfy its need by taking the resource used by P_33 and can change from Waiting to Active state.

Chandy Misra Haas Algorithm for the AND model#

Explained in detail here PreRecordedModule6#Chandy-Misra-Haas CMH Edge-Chasing for AND Graphs
- Uses a special message called probe
- Probe is a triplet \((i, j, k)\)
- Denotes that
- It belongs to a deadlock detection initiated for \(P_i\) (1st element)
- It is sent by the site of \(P_j\)
- It sent to the site \(P_k\)
- Probe message travels along the edges of the global WFG graph
- Deadlock is detected when a probe message returns to the process that initialed it

Data Structures#

  • Each process \(P_i\) maintains a bl=boolean array, \(dependent_i\)
  • \(dependent_i(j)\) is \(TRUE\) if
    • \(P_i\) knows that \(P_j\) is dependent on it
  • Initially \(dependent_i(j)\) is false for all \(i\) and \(j\)


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