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Week 8#

Lecturer: G Venkiteswaran, Faculty for BITS Pilani
Date: 12/Sep/2021

Topics Covered#

Inner Product Spaces#

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Gram Schmidt Orthogonalization Process#

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QR Decomposition#

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Transformation of circle under matrix operation#

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A = [1 2; 3 4]
A =

   1   2
   3   4

x1 = [1 2]'
x1 =


x2 = [-2 1]'
x2 =


y1 = A * x1
y1 =


y2 = A * x2
y2 =



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Singular Value Decomposition#

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Evaluation of U and V#

See notebook
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Comparison between Eigenvalue decomposition and SVD#

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Left and right singular matrix#

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Summation form of SVD#

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Face Recognition#

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Average Faces#

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Eigen Faces#

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Image Keys#

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Dimensionality Reduction#

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Tags: !MathematicalFoundationsIndex