Pre Recorded Lecture Module 4#
Relating use cases#
Includes invokes a new use case
Extends tries to relate an exception
In the above example we can see that Rent items
extends Sale Items
Derived Attributes#
- During analysis step, analyst only records very obvious attributes
- During design phase there are more refined attributes that can be derived from another attribute
Interaction Diagram#
Interaction diagrams show relationship between objects, hence we see only objects interacting in the diagram (Anonymous or named objects) and no classes.
Collaboration Diagram#
- When few messages are involved then we can use a collaboration diagram
- Having many objects then collaboration diagram is a better way to go
Sequence Diagram#
- When the number of messages are a lot and there is a sequence of messages then it is better to use sequence diagrams.
- Only limitation is that a lot of objects cannot be placed horizontally.
Self or this relation in messages#
Creation of instances#
- In a collaboration diagram
- In a sequence diagram
Condition Messages#
Make Payment Scenario in PoS#
State Transition Diagrams#
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