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Week 9#

Lecturer: Pritam Bhattacharya, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus
Date: 16/Oct/2021

Topics Covered#

  1. Abstract Data Types
    1. Stack
      1. Array Implementation
    2. Queue
      1. Array Implementation

Abstract Data Types#

It is a mathematical model for a data type, it is a container for how data is stored.


A stack is a Last In First Out (LIFO) data structure, it supports the following operations, both at the same end:
1. void push(<type> key): This operation adds a new value to the top of the stack
2. <type> pop(): This operation removes the top most element from the stack and returns it to the caller of this function
3. int size(): This operation returns the current size of the stack
4. <Type> top()/peek(): Returns the value of the top most value
5. bool isEmpty(): Returns True when the stack is empty
6. bool isFull(): Returns True when the stack is full


  1. Check for proper parenthesisation. To see the validity of parenthesis in an expression

Array Implementation#

The following is an implementation for Stack<int>:

class Stack {
    int stack[100];
    int top;

    Stack() {
        top = -1;
    void push(int item) {
        if(isFull()) {
            print("Stack is full")
        stack[++top] = item
    int pop() {
        if(top != -1) {
            return stack[top--]
        else {
            print("Stack is empty")
            return exception
    int size() {
        return top + 1
    int top() {
        return stack[top]
    bool isEmpty() {
        return (top == -1)
    bool isFull() {
        return (top == stack.length - 1)


A queue is a First In First Out (FIFO) data structure, it supports the following operations, both at the same end:
1. void enqueue(<type> key): This operation adds a new value to the rear end of the queue
2. <type> dequeue(): This operation removes the front most element from the queue and returns it to the caller of this function
3. int size(): This operation returns the current size of the queue
4. <Type> front()/peek(): Returns the value of the front most value
5. bool isEmpty(): Returns True when the queue is empty
6. bool isFull(): Returns True when the queue is full


Simulating anything that needs a queue such as a ticket counters, message queues and any Distributed computing algorithm that uses a FIFO message channels and any buffer.

Array Implementation#

The following is an implementation for Queue<int>:

class Queue {
    int queue[100];
    int front;
    int rear;

    Queue() {
        rear = -1;
        front = 0;
    void enqueue(int item) {
        if(isFull()) {
            return exception
        rear = (rear + 1) % queue.length
        queue[rear] = item
    int dequeue() {
        if(isEmpty()) {
            return exception
        temp = queue[front]
        front = (front + 1) % queue.length
        return temp
    int size() {
        size = rear - front + 1
        return (size >= 0) ? size : (size + queue.length) 
    int peek() {
        return queue[front]
    bool isEmpty() {
        return (size() == 0)
    bool isFull() {
        return (size() == queue.length)

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