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Pre Recorded Lecture Module 2#

Requirement Categorization#

  • Functional Requirements are the features and capabilities
  • Non functional requirements
    • Usability
    • Reliability
    • Performance
    • Supportability

What is a Use case diagram and Use cases?#

  • It shows interaction among actors and use cases of the system
  • It is not data flow diagram
  • Significance of use case diagram
  • Use casees is detailing of the use case diagram
  • Use cases are textual artifacts
  • Use case depicts functional requirements

Use case diagram for a Point of Sale Case Study#

Pasted image 20220216223408.png

Use case types and formats#

  • Use cases may be written in three formality types
    • Brief
    • Casual
    • Fully dressed

Pasted image 20220216230712.png
Pasted image 20220216232152.png

Styles of use cases#

  • Essential: Focus is on intend
    • Avoid making UI decisions
    • Basic functionality is given importance in this style
  • Concrete: UI decisions are embedded in the use case text. This style is not suitable for early requirement analysis.

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