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Module 2#


Availability General Scenario#

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Sample Concrete Availability Scenario#

The heartbeat monitor determines that the server is non responsive during normal operations. The system informs the admin when the heartbeat stops. Check the following for more info Module2SA#Module 2#Availability Tactics#Detect Faults

Goal of Availability tactics#

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Availability Tactics#

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Detect Faults#

  • Ping/echo: asynchronous req/res message pair exchanged between nodes, used to determine reachability and the round trip delay through the associated network path
  • Monitor: A component used to monitor the state of health of other parts of the system. A system monitor can detect failure or congestion in the network or other shared resources such as from a denial of service attack
  • Heartbeat: a periodic message exchange between a system monitor and a process being monitored
  • Timestamp: Used to detect incorrect sequences of events, in distributed message passing systems
  • Sanity Checking: Checks the validity or reasonableness of a component's operations or outputs; typically based on a knowledge of the internal design.
  • Condition Monitoring: Checking conditions in a process or device, or validating assumptions made during the design.
  • Voting: to check that replicated components are producing the same results. Comes in various flavors: replication, functional redundancy, analytic redundancy. Example is height calculation in an aircraft. There are several ways we can determine this, we now vote all these results and check against a particular tolerance and when the majority of the values are within that then we can choose that value and determine the component that is failing.
  • Exception Detection: detection of a system condition that alters the normal flow of execution, eg system exception parameter fence, parameter typing, timeout.
  • Self test: procedure for a component to test itself for correct operation.

Recover From Faults#

  • Active redundancy (Hot spare): A spare processes inputs just like the active one so that the spares are synchronous in case of failure
  • Passive redundancy (Warm spare): Only active nodes process inputs and the spares are brought up when the active ones fail
  • Spare (Cold spare): Redundant spares are OOS until a failure happens at which point a power on reset procedure is initiated on the spare prior to its being placed in service
  • Exception handling: dealing with the exception by masking it by correcting it
  • Rollback: Revert to a previous known good state.
  • Software Upgrade: in service upgrades to executable code images in a non service affecting manner
  • Retry
  • Ignore Faulty Behavior: For example ignoring spurious messages that can cause failure
  • Degradation
  • Reconfigure
  • Shadow: operating a previously gfailed or in service upgraded component in a shoadow mode for a predefined time prior to reverting the component back o an active role
  • State resync

Prevent Faults#

  • Escalating restart: recover from faults by varying the granularity of the components restarted and minimizing the level of service affected
  • Non stop forwarding: Functionality is split into supervisory and data.
  • Removal from service: Temporarily placing a system in an OOS state for the purpose of mitigating potential system failures
  • Transactions: bundling state updates so that async messages exchanged between distributed components are atomic, consistent isolated and durable
  • Predictive model: monitor the state of health of a process
  • Exception Prevention: preventing system exceptions

Design Checklist for Availability#

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  • Usability is concerned with how east it is to accomplish a desired task by the user
  • A focus on usability is the cheapest and easiest ways to improve a systems quality.
  • Usability comprises of:
    • Learning system features
    • Using a system efficiently
    • Minimizing impact of errors
    • Adapting to failures

Usability General Scenario#

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POS Terminal#

  • Actors:
    • Cashier
    • Customer
    • Supervisor

High level vs low level goals#

  • log out: Secondary goal
  • Handle payment: Primary goal
  • Negotiate contract with supplier: Very high level goal

These use cases are at different levels, and are the all valid

Extends relationship#

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Specialization relationship#

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Drawing System Sequence Diagrams#

Example POS terminal Process Sale scenario

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Iterations are enclosed in one box

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Domain Model#

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Finding concepts#

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