Module 6#
Information Gain#
Gini Index#
Inexpensive to construct
Extremely fast at
Inductive bias in decision tree learning#
- Inductive bias is the assumption made by the model to learn the target function and to generalize beyond training data
- What is the inductive bias of DT Learning
- Shorter trees are preferred over longer trees
- Prefer trees that place high information gain attributes close to the root
Limitations of decision tree learning#
- Overfitting
- Building trees that "adapt too much" to the training example may lead to "overfitting"
- May therefore fail to fit additional data or predict future observations reliably
Training data accuracy increases but the test data accuracy decreases when the size of the tree increases
- Pre pruning:
- Stop the algorithm before it becomes a fully grown tree
- General stopping conditions for a node
- Stop if all instances belong to the same class
- Stop if all the attribute values are the same
- More restrictive conditions:
- Stop if number of instances is less than some user specified threshold
- Stop if class distribution of instances are independent of the available features
- Stop if expanding the current node foes not improve impurity measures.
- Post pruning:
- Grow decision tree to its entirity
- Trim the nodes of the decision tree ina bottom up fashion
- If generalization error improves after trimming, replace sub tree by a leaf node
- Majority class of instances in the sub tree is used as the class label of leaf node.
Ensemble methods#
- Use multiple learning algorithms to obtain better predictive performance than could be obtained from any one of the constituent learning algorithm
- By combining individual models we can get less bias and less variance.
This method will perform worse if the error rate is \(\varepsilon \gt 0.5\)
Each base class has to be independent of each other.
Methods for constructing ensemble classifier#
- Using different algorithms
- Using different hyper parameters
- Using different training sets
- By manipulating input features
- By manipulating the class labels
Types of ensemble methods#
- Simple methods:
- Max voting
- Averaging
- Weighted averaging
- Advanced methods:
- Bagging: Homogeneous weak learners, learning done independently from each other.
- Boosting: Homogeneous weak learners, learning done sequentially in a adaptive way.
- Stacking: Heterogeneous weak learners, learning done independently and combines them by training a meta model to output a prediction based on the different weak models predictions.
Bootstrap Sampling#
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