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Assignment #1 (5% weight)#

Objective: To get familiar with the software architecture basics.#


  • Choose an existing system from your workplace
  • Understand the purpose (goal) of the system & its key requirements
  • Study architecture and understand the tactics used

Document your work in the following format in PPT:#

  • Purpose of the system (Goal)
  • Key requirements of the system – functional & non-functional
  • Utility tree of Architecturally Significant Requirements (ASR)
  • Tactics used to achieve the top 5 ASRs
  • Software Architecture diagram – Context diagram, Module decomposition, Component & Connection diagram, Deployment diagram
  • Description of how the system works
  • Key learnings (one slide per participant)

My Submission#

My submission can be found here

tags: !SoftwareArchitecturesIndex Assignments