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Week 4 (cont.)#

Lecturer: Barsha Mitra, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Date: 22/Aug/2021

Topics Covered#

  1. Terminology and Basic Algorithms
    1. Notations and Definitions
    2. Synchronous Single-Initiator Spanning Tree Algorithm using Flooding
      1. Algorithm Design
        1. Struct for each process \(P_i\)
        2. Algorithm pseudo code
        3. Algorithm in action
    3. Broadcast and Convergecast Algorithm on a Tree
      1. Broadcast Algorithm
      2. Convergecast Algorithm
      3. Complexity
  2. Message Ordering

Terminology and Basic Algorithms#

Notations and Definitions#

  • Undirected unweighted graph \(G = (M, L)\), represents topology of an example graph such as the one shown below:
    Pasted image 20210828002425.png
    • Vertices are nodes
    • Edges are channels
    • \(n = |N|\), Cardinality of set of all nodes \(N = [A, B, C, D, E, F]\)
    • \(l = |L|\), Cardinality of set of all edges \(L = [AB, BC, CF, DE, EF, AD, AE, CE]\)
    • diameter of a graph :
      • minimum number of edges that need to be traversed to go from any node to any other node
      • \(Diameter = max_{i, j \in N}\), Length of the shortest path between i and j where j belongs to the set N. We basically find all the minimum distances from i to all j and the diameter is the maximum value
      • In the above example let \(i = A\) and \(j = [A, B, C, D, E, F]\) then we can say that the max value of the lengths is 2 (In case of the path length for A to F), so the \(diameter = 2\)
  • A spanning tree is a tree where the graph does not have any edges that will cause cycles in it. An example for a spanning tree for the above example is shown below:
    Pasted image 20210828003916.png
    • As a rule of thumb, a spanning tree for a graph with \(n\) nodes, will have \(n - 1\) edges
    • So in the example graph has 6 nodes and the number of edges in the spanning tree is 5.

Synchronous Single-Initiator Spanning Tree Algorithm using Flooding#

  • Algorithm executes steps synchronously (When a message is sent, the sender waits till all the other nodes receives the messages)
  • Root of the graph initiates the algorithm (An arbitrary node can be selected as the root)
  • QUERY messages are flooded. This means that first the root node will send a message to all its nearby nodes, and inturn those nodes will send it to its neighbors and so on.
  • The final spanning tree will have the root node as the initial arbitrary node selected in the graph.
  • Each process \(P_i (P_i \ne root)\) should output its own parent for the spanning tree. In distributed computing we interchangeably use nodes and processes

Algorithm Design#

Struct for each process \(P_i\)#
Variables maintained at each \(P_i\) Initial variable values at each \(P_i\)
int visited 0
int depth 0
int parent NULL
set of int Neighbors set of neighbors
Algorithm pseudo code#
Algorithm for Pi

When Round r = 1
if Pi = root then
    visited = 1
    depth = 0
    send QUERY to Neighbors
if Pi receives a QUERY message then
    visited = 1
    depth = r
    parent = root
    plan to send QUERY to Neighbors at the next round

When Round r > 1 and r <= diameter
if Pi planned to send in previous round then
    Pi sends QUERY to Neighbors
if Pi receives QUERY messages then
    visited = 1
    depth = r
    parent = any randomly selected nodes from which Query was receives plan to send QUERY to Neighbors but not to any nodes from which send was received
Algorithm in action#

Round 1 :
Root \(A\) sends \(QUERY\) to neighbors \([B, F]\)
Pasted image 20210828010501.png
\(B\) and \(F\) set \(A\) as parent and plans to send \(QUERY\) to its neighbors
Pasted image 20210828010546.png

Round 2 :
\(B\) sends \(QUERY\) to neighbors \([C, E]\) and \(F\) sends \(QUERY\) to neighbors \([E]\)
Pasted image 20210828010613.png
\(E\) randomly chooses \(F\) as parent and \(C\) chooses \(B\) as parent and both \(E\) and \(F\) plans to send \(QUERY\) to its neighbors
Pasted image 20210828010655.png

Round 3 :
\(E\) sends \(QUERY\) to neighbors \([C, D]\) and \(C\) sends \(QUERY\) to neighbors \([E, D]\)
Pasted image 20210828010726.png
Since \(C\) and \(E\) are already visited, the \(QUERY\) is ignored in those cases and \(D\) randomly chooses \(C\) as parent over \(E\)
Pasted image 20210828010838.png

The spanning tree generated is as follows :
Pasted image 20210828010911.png
The above spanning tree has 6 nodes and 5 edges

Broadcast and Convergecast Algorithm on a Tree#

A spanning tree is useful for distributing (via Broadcast) and collecting information (via Convergecast) to and from all the nodes

Broadcast Algorithm#

Pasted image 20210828012117.png
- BC1:
- The root sends the information to be sent to all its children
- BC2:
- When a non root node receives information from its parent, it copies it and forwards it to its children

Convergecast Algorithm#

Pasted image 20210828012316.png
- CVC1:
- Leaf node sends what it needs to report to its parent
- CVC2:
- At a non leaf node that is not root, a report is received from all the child nodes, the collective report is sent to its parent
- CVC3:
- When a root node receives information from its child nodes, the global function is evaluated using the reports


  • Each broadcast and each convergecast requires \(n - 1\) messages.
  • Each broadcast and each convergecast requires time equal to the maximum height \(h\) of the tree which is \(\mathcal{O}(n)\)

Message Ordering#

Group Communication#

  • Broadcast - Sending a message to all members in the distributed system
  • Multicasting - A message is sent to a certain subset, identified as a group, of the processes in the system.
  • Unicasting - Point-to-point message communication

Causal Order#

  • Causal Order is explained here: Week3DC#Causal Ordering Model
  • 2 criteria must be satisfied by causal ordering protocol
    • Safety:
      • A message M arriving at a process may need to be buffered until all system wide messages sent in the causal past of the send(M) event to the same destination have already arrived
      • Distinction is made between:
        • Arrival of messages at a process
        • Event at which the message is given to the application process
    • Liveness:
      • A message that arrives at a process must be eventually be delivered to the process

Raynal-Schiper-Toueg Algorithm#

  • Each message M should carry a log of
    • All other messages
    • Send causally before M's send event, and sent to the same destination dest(M)
  • Log can be examined to ensure when it is safe to deliver a message
  • Channels are assumed to be FIFO

Local Variables#

  • array of int \(SENT[1 .... n, 1 .... n]\) (n x n array)
    • Where \(SENT_i[j, k]\) = no. of messages sent by \(P_j\) to \(P_k\) as known to \(P_i\)
  • array of int \(DELIV[1 .... n]\)
    • Where \(DELIV_i[j]\) = no. of messages from \(P_j\) that have been delivered to \(P_i\)

The Algorithm#

  1. Message Send Event, where \(P_i\) wants to send message \(M\) to \(P_j\):
    1. \(send(M, SENT)\) to \(P_j\) (Here \(SENT\) array is the log which will be used to determine if the message needs to be buffered or not)
    2. \(SENT[i, j] = SENT[i, j] + 1\)
  2. Message Arrival Event, when \((M, SENT_j)\) arrives at \(P_i\) from \(P_j\):
    1. deliver \(M\) to \(P_i\) when for each process \(x\),
    2. \(DELIV_i[x] \ge SENT_j[x, i]\)
    3. \(\forall x, y, SENT_i[x, y] = max(SENT_i[x, y], SENT_j[x, y])\)
    4. \(DELIV_i[j] = DELIV_i[j] + 1\)

Algorithm Complexity#

  • Space complexity at each process: \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\) integers
  • Space overhead per message: \(n^2\) integers
  • Time complexity at each process for each send and deliver event: \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\)

Algorithm in action#

Assume following steps have occurred till now
- \(P_1\) sent 3 messages to \(P_2\)
- \(P_1\) sent 4 messages to \(P_3\)
- \(P_2\) sent 5 messages to \(P_1\)
- \(P_2\) sent 2 messages to \(P_3\)
- \(P_3\) sent 4 messages to \(P_2\)

Variable state
Assuming \(SENT\) of all \(P\) is aware of all the other values of \(SENT\), \(SENT\) of \(P_1\):

| 0   | 3   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |

Assume the following values for \(DELIV\) arrays
\(DELIV_1 = [0, 4, 0]\)
\(DELIV_2 = [3, 0, 4]\)
\(DELIV_3 = [3, 2, 0]\)

Now if, \(P_1\) sends \(m_1\) to \(P_2\)
1. \(SEND\) event from \(P_1\)
1. \(SENT_1\)

| 0   | 3   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |

2. Send \((m_1, SENT_1)\)
3. Updated \(SENT_1\)
| 0   | 3+1 | 4   |    | 0   | 4   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   | => | 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |    | 0   | 4   | 0   |

2. \(RECEIVE\) \(m_1\) from \(P_1\) at \(P_2\)
1. \(DELIV_2[1] \ge SENT_1[1, 2]\)
2. \(DELIV_2[3] \ge SENT_1[3, 2]\)
3. Deliver \(m_1\) to \(P_2\)
4. \(DELIV_2[1] = DELIV_2[1] + 1 = 4\)
5. \(DELIV_2 = [4, 0, 4]\)
6. \(SENT_2\)
| 0   | 3   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |

Now if, \(P_3\) sends \(m_2\) to \(P_2\)
1. \(SEND\) event from \(P_3\)
1. \(SENT_3\)

| 0   | 3   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |

2. Send \((m_2, SENT_3)\)
3. Updated \(SENT_3\)
| 0   | 3   | 4   |    | 0   | 3   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   | => | 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4+1 | 0   |    | 0   | 5   | 0   |

2. \(RECEIVE\) \(m_2\) from \(P_3\) at \(P_2\)
1. \(DELIV_2[1] \ge SENT_3[1, 2]\)
2. \(DELIV_2[3] \ge SENT_3[3, 2]\)
3. Deliver \(m_2\) to \(P_2\)
4. \(DELIV_2[3] = DELIV_2[3] + 1 = 5\)
5. \(DELIV_2 = [4, 0, 5]\)
6. \(SENT_2\)
| 0   | 3   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |

Now if, \(P_1\) sends \(m_3\) to \(P_3\)
1. \(SEND\) event from \(P_1\)
1. \(SENT_1\)

| 0   | 4   | 4   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |

2. Send \((m_2, SENT_3)\)
3. Updated \(SENT_3\)
| 0   | 4   | 4+1 |     | 0   | 4   | 5   |
| 5   | 0   | 2   | =>  | 5   | 0   | 2   |
| 0   | 4   | 0   |     | 0   | 5   | 0   |

2. \(RECEIVE\) \(m_3\) from \(P_1\) at \(P_3\)
1. \(DELIV_3[1] \ge SENT_1[1, 3]\) (FALSE)
2. \(DELIV_3[2] \ge SENT_1[2, 3]\) (TRUE)
3. Put \(m_3\) in buffer since the first condition failed, only process it after the other \(P_1\) messages are delivered to \(P_3\)

Tags: !DistributedComputingIndex