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Pre Recorded Lecture Module 3#

Domain Model#

  • Illustrates meaningful conc3ets in a problem domain
  • It is a representation of real world things, not software components
  • It is a set of static structure diagrams; no operation are defined.
  • It may show:
    • Concepts
    • Associations between concepts
    • Attribute of concepts
  • Every domain concept has a name and a set of attributes

Domain Model in UML#

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Reading direction by default is either top -> down or left -> right

Domain Concepts in POS#

Strategy to identify conceptual classes#

  • Use noun phrase identification
    • In textual descriptions of the problem domain and consider them as concepts or attributes
    • Use cases are excellent descriptions for this analysis

Consider the following scenario:
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Customer, POS checkout, items, cashier, quantity, system, item price, item info, sale all these are nouns
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item info, item price and quantity are all nouns that are attributes for the domain concept.
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Adding Associations#

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Adding Attributes#

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Sample Domain Model#

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System Sequence Diagram#

  • Investigate the behaviour of the ysstem as a blackbox
  • System behaviour is a description of what the system does
  • Use cases describe how external actors interact with the system. During this interaction an actor generates events
  • A request even initiates an operation upon the system

SSD for Process Sale Scenario#

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Significance of SSD#

  • Shows interaction of the system with the outside world
  • It is used to depict how system responds to external events
  • It plays key role in GUI design of the system

Operation Contract#

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Writing an OC for a sale line item#

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